Just a quickie update to all those out there reading along.
I started marathon training last week. So last weekend I had 8x400 with 400 recovery on the schedule as well as my long run. Friday morning I got up at 6 and headed off to the track for some intervals. The track is half a mile from my house so I use that as a warm up (5 minutes) and a cool down. This ended up being a great workout. The splits on the intervals were, 1:34, 1:31, 1:32, 1:28, 1:35, 1:32, 1:33, and 1:34, for an average of 1:33. I really love doing 400s, I seem to nail this distance. Total workout 4.9 miles 47 minutes.
Sunday I was up early again to go out for my long run. I wanted to be out at the park at 6:30 so I could get 6 in before I met up with my friend to run the final 6. My friend is recovering from the Half (he ran the Vancouver USA Half last weekend) so he only felt like doing 6. My wife got up with me Sunday morning and informed me that she thought that today (Sunday) would be the day
, as she had been having contractions all night, and asked if I still wanted to do 12 (of course I did). About three minutes after I got to the park I got a text saying that I need not worry about how long it took, as it appeared that the contractions were fading and we weren't having a baby that day. 
So I took off with this in mind. It was a gorgeous morning for a run, temps in the mid-50s and sunny, down along the Columbia river, unseasonably cool for this area this time of year (normally we are in the mid-90s during the day and the low-70s in the morning). The first 6 miles were done at 54 minutes, met my friend only about two minutes after he got to the park. The second six were tough, I am having some trouble with my hamstring again, which is probably more like ITS, I have been neglecting my stretches. So I stopped to stretch out my legs every mile or so during the second six. The total time ended up being 1:54 for 11.7 miles. Not a bad run overall.
Now, that baby is still holding strong. Dr. says that as soon as contractions start, the process should be quick, but we are heading into week three of any-day-now waiting. So, once again guys any day now, the announcement.
Warning: The following is not about running or babies.
My wife took me to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Sunday night, the first movie we have gone to see together in a while now. I enjoyed it, more so perhaps than the last two, but I like the Pirates movies and am not really the best movie critic (just love to go to the movies). I was supposed to umpire two baseball games in the last week, but both have been cancelled due to lack of players, it happens every summer, the kids get busy playing other sports or heading off on vacation and suddenly there are not enough to play.
Alright, you guys are caught up (more than briefly) on the happenings in my life.
Thanks for reading. Remember, have fun out there!
I started marathon training last week. So last weekend I had 8x400 with 400 recovery on the schedule as well as my long run. Friday morning I got up at 6 and headed off to the track for some intervals. The track is half a mile from my house so I use that as a warm up (5 minutes) and a cool down. This ended up being a great workout. The splits on the intervals were, 1:34, 1:31, 1:32, 1:28, 1:35, 1:32, 1:33, and 1:34, for an average of 1:33. I really love doing 400s, I seem to nail this distance. Total workout 4.9 miles 47 minutes.

Sunday I was up early again to go out for my long run. I wanted to be out at the park at 6:30 so I could get 6 in before I met up with my friend to run the final 6. My friend is recovering from the Half (he ran the Vancouver USA Half last weekend) so he only felt like doing 6. My wife got up with me Sunday morning and informed me that she thought that today (Sunday) would be the day

So I took off with this in mind. It was a gorgeous morning for a run, temps in the mid-50s and sunny, down along the Columbia river, unseasonably cool for this area this time of year (normally we are in the mid-90s during the day and the low-70s in the morning). The first 6 miles were done at 54 minutes, met my friend only about two minutes after he got to the park. The second six were tough, I am having some trouble with my hamstring again, which is probably more like ITS, I have been neglecting my stretches. So I stopped to stretch out my legs every mile or so during the second six. The total time ended up being 1:54 for 11.7 miles. Not a bad run overall.
Now, that baby is still holding strong. Dr. says that as soon as contractions start, the process should be quick, but we are heading into week three of any-day-now waiting. So, once again guys any day now, the announcement.
Warning: The following is not about running or babies.
My wife took me to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Sunday night, the first movie we have gone to see together in a while now. I enjoyed it, more so perhaps than the last two, but I like the Pirates movies and am not really the best movie critic (just love to go to the movies). I was supposed to umpire two baseball games in the last week, but both have been cancelled due to lack of players, it happens every summer, the kids get busy playing other sports or heading off on vacation and suddenly there are not enough to play.
Alright, you guys are caught up (more than briefly) on the happenings in my life.
Thanks for reading. Remember, have fun out there!